I finally got enough free time to sit down without a project at hand. I decided to try something new: make an Android app from scratch. But, let’s face it, free time is precious. Most of my side projects are huge, big things that I won’t complete for months. What’s a gal to do?
I decided to set my sights on a simple app. Getting back to my roots, I wanted to make it a game. I started programming making games, whether it was blackjack for my Casio calculator so I wouldn’t be so bored in study hall (it used a version of BASIC!), or working on a Zelda-like MMORPG, games were always my primary focus.
So, I settled on Tic-Tac-Toe.
You can now find my new app, Ticky-Tacky-Toey on the Google Play store! I’ll admit, it took about as much time to set up a Google Play publishing account and publish this thing (needlessly complicated process there, Google), but I did it! I completed a side project. Take that, programmer stereotypes!
Now, with a page and far too few apps on it, I’ll just have to keep working!