How do We Make Android Apps as Good as iOS Apps?

Funshine Weather app screenshot, showcasing some of the design considerations described below, like high contrast images, simple designs, familiar icons, and buttons within reach at the bottom of the screen.iOS apps are just better than their Android counterparts. I thought about showing a bunch of screenshots here of App Store listings vs Google Play listings for the same app, showing how the iOS apps are always rated higher, but I don’t want to call anyone out. Just take a peek at your company’s apps, maybe look at a few others, and get back to this afterwards.

Rough, right? Apps that may be 4.5 or higher on the App Store hover around the 3.5 mark on Android, especially at smaller companies and startups. Why does this happen? To be fair, part of it does come down to rating algorithms and general attitude. iOS users are more likely to pay for apps, more likely to engage with developers, and more likely to give them the benefit of the doubt, as a result. There’s a certain “sunk cost fallacy” at play there. You pay more, so you expect more, and when things go wrong, instead of being mad, you justify your purchase by assuming the issue is a fluke.

However, multiple reviewers and even a few studies have come to the conclusion that users prefer iOS versions of apps to their Android counterparts. In my personal experience, this comes down to navigation, UI consistency, “smoothness,” and a perception of quality that comes from those items. Apps across iOS all act and feel very similar, and that’s not true on Android. On top of that, devices are very different, with aspect ratio differences, feature differences, and OS differences between Android devices that just isn’t a problem on iOS. So what can an Android developer or product manager do to make sure their app is perceived as nice as iOS apps? Step one? Forget iOS.

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What’s that? A New Page? Introducing Published Apps!

Ticky Tacky Toey Header image, with the name of the app and an X and OI finally got enough free time to sit down without a project at hand. I decided to try something new: make an Android app from scratch. But, let’s face it, free time is precious. Most of my side projects are huge, big things that I won’t complete for months. What’s a gal to do?

I decided to set my sights on a simple app. Getting back to my roots, I wanted to make it a game. I started programming making games, whether it was blackjack for my Casio calculator so I wouldn’t be so bored in study hall (it used a version of BASIC!), or working on a Zelda-like MMORPG, games were always my primary focus.

So, I settled on Tic-Tac-Toe.

Ticky-Tacky-Toey app icon, an X and an O, overlapping, with a vertical gray bar from top right to bottom left.You can now find my new app, Ticky-Tacky-Toey on the Google Play store! I’ll admit, it took about as much time to set up a Google Play publishing account and publish this thing (needlessly complicated process there, Google), but I did it! I completed a side project. Take that, programmer stereotypes!

First pannel: Man thinking, building a house out of cinder blocks. "There we are, nearly done. Just a few more hours and this thing will be up and running..." Second pannel: "Oh, wait," he exclaims, "I just had an idea..." Third pannel: Thinking, "Let's try out that new framework, just for fun." Fourth pannel: He's building a house of wood. Final pannel: Friend comes along, says "Starting another side-project, are we?" Original guy responds, "Yeah... well no actually, I've nearly finished the other one so I just wanted to test out this other thing." In the background, half-finished houses litter the landscape.

Now, with a page and far too few apps on it, I’ll just have to keep working!